Vector Laboratories

VECTABOND® Reagent, Tissue Section Adhesion

Product Description

  • VECTABOND Reagent, Tissue Section Adhesion, 7 ml, is designed to significantly increase the adherence of both frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections and cell preparations to glass slides and coverslips. Tissue sections will remain attached even when subjected to the most extreme conditions, such as high-temperature antigen unmasking techniques and in situ hybridization. VECTABOND Reagent–treated slides can be stored for long periods. This product chemically modifies the glass to form a highly adherent surface. VECTABOND Reagent is provided as 7 ml of concentrate that dilutes to 350 ml of treatment solution, sufficient for at least 500 standard slides.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTSP1800 VECTABOND® Reagent, Tissue Section Adhesion, 7 ml 7 mL
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