
CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows

Product Description

  • Recombinantly produced in E. coli, CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows is a fusion of Proteins A and G to Micrococcal Nuclease. This construct is useful in performing Chromatin Immunocleavage (ChIC)1 and Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN). CUTANA™ pAG-MNase contains a C-terminal 6xHis epitope tag.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
EP151016 CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows 50 rxns
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EP151116 CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows 250 rxns
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