February 2015
Dear Researcher
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies, our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- New Products
- Featured Product
- New Literature
- Promotions
- Technical Report
- Announcements
SBI – Multiplex gRNA CRISPR/Cas9 Kits
To achieve uniform delivery of multiple gRNAs for CRISPR/Cas9-based genome engineering, SBI has developed a revolutionary and user-friendly system, the PrecisionX™ Multiplex gRNA Cloning Kit, which allows assembling multiple gRNAs into any gRNA vector in one 15 minute reaction.
- Save time and reagents - no need to clone separate constructs bearing different gRNAs
- Simple two-step PCR and “fusion” reaction to generate multi-cistronic gRNA constructs
- Compatible with all types of Cas9/gRNA expression vectors containing H1 or U6 promoters
- Available bundled together with a Cas9 SmartNuclease or SmartNickase vector for added convenience
- Ideal for Cas9 Nickase applications for precise targeting
- Enables precise deletion of defined genomic segments
Click here for more information.
Click here for the webinar.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Micronic - 24-2 Rack for 3mL Tissue Tubes
- Holds 24 individual 3.00mL tissue tubes
- Temperature Range: Vapor phase LN2 to +140ºC
- Laser etched 1D rack barcode on one side
- Twist-Lock design prevents tubes from turning during screw (de)capping
- Based on the Society for Laboratory Automations and Screening (ANSI / SLAS) standards for storage racks
- Class 7 clean room production - RNase/DNase and Pyrogen free
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
CHROMSPEC™ UV Sterile Syringe Filters
- Solvent resistant housing
- Made with North American membranes
- ETO Sterilized and individually sealed to maintain sterility
- Applications include: Cell culture media prep, mycoplasma removal, sterile filtration, including DMSO
Click here to order or request a quote.
CHROMSPEC™ products are available to us from our sister company, Chromatographic Specialties Inc.
SBI - PEG-it™ Lentivirus Concentration and Cryoprotection
Not only does the PEG-it Virus Concentration Solution concentrate lentivirus preparations over 100-fold from media, it also acts as a cryopreservation agent. The data demonstrate no loss of activity or drop in titer with PEG-it concentrated virus after multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
- Easy to use, single step protocol
- No ultracentrifugation required
- Cost-effective and time-saving
- Non-toxic to transduced cells
- Cryoprotects virus from freeze/thaw cycles
- Hundreds of published citations
Click here to request a sample.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Abgent - Oncogene Expression Reference Guide Poster
Oncogenes were selected by supportive evidence in two applications, immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry. Oncogenes are grouped by cellular localization (membrane, cytoplasmic, nuclear). For each oncogene, the tissue with highest mRNA expression is denoted and the Normalized level of expression for that tissue is shown. The poster includes images of exemplary antibody staining for each cell locations. Click here to view online.
Contact our Customer Service Team to request printed copies of this publication,
e-mail sales@biolynx.ca or call 1-888-593-5969.
Affymetrix USB - Save 50% OFF One VeriQuest® qPCR Master Mix of your Choice!
VeriQuest® reagents provide premium qPCR performance, allowing you to publish with confidence. Choose your favorite VeriQuest® qPCR Master Mix or try a different one and receive it at 50% off our current list price.
- Single-tube, 2X master mixes for SYBR® Green or TaqMan® probe assays
- Optimized for microarray validation
- 4ºC storage up to 4 months – no need for freeze/thaw
- Contains a chemically-modified hot start Taq DNA polymerase that prevents primer dimers and non-specific amplification during reaction setup
Click here to order or request a quote.
Promotion Code UB75PCR
Offer valid until March 31st, 2015.
Discount applicable to one VeriQuest® product per customer.
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Applicable to purchases from MJSBioLynx Inc. only.
USA Scientific – FREE Pizza Party Promotion
For the cold Canadian winter months of January to March 2015, Enjoy hot, delicious pizza on us!
Accumulate $500 in Purchases of USA Scientific Products from MJSBioLynx and Receive a $50 Pizza Gift Certificate*.
USA Scientific offers cell culture labware, pipets and tips, plates, tubes and much more.
Click here to order or to request a quote.
Offer valid until March 31st, 2015
Please reference promotion code US2015PZA
Limit: Two pizza parties per lab; Cannot be combined with other offers.
* Please note that if you purchase $500 in USA Scientific products during our promotion period but are unable to accept our pizza gift we would be pleased to offer you a $50 voucher towards your next order of $100 or more of USA Scientific products. Coupons are valid until April 30th, 2015.
Affymetrix USB – Take the ExoSAP-IT® PCR Clean-up Challenge
See why ExoSAP-IT reagent comes out on top.
- Request a free sample
- Do your own head-to-head comparison
- Give us your feedback for a free T-shirt
Click here to get started.
Primer Selection Guidelines Utilizing VeriQuest® qPCR for Microarray Validation
This tutorial provides examples of appropriate primer design strategies when using USB® VeriQuest qPCR master mixes to validate Affymetrix® microarrays. These guidelines generate optimal concordance of microarray and qPCR results when using First-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit followed by real-time PCR with VeriQuest Probe or VeriQuest SYBR® Green qPCR master mixes. Click here to read more.
The 2015 Calendar is Now Available!
Our cat and lynx calendar is returning for 2015! We have hunted out some of the cutest feline images to grace the walls of your laboratory for another year.
Email us at tech@biolynx.ca to request your copy.
(Please include your full mailing address).