January 2016
Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies, our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- New Products
- Featured Product
- Promotions
- Exclusive Promotions
- USA Scientific - FREE Pizza Party Promotion
- Heathrow Scientific - Buy a MagLab™ Set and Get an Additional Single Unit of Your Choice, for FREE
- Enzo Life Sciences- 35% OFF CELLESTIAL® Cellular Analysis Products
- Affymetrix USB - Try the new HT-ExoSAP-IT® Fast One-Step PCR Clean-up
- Affymetrix USB - Take the ExoSAP-IT® PCR Clean-up Challenge
- Micronic - Cryo 2D Code Reader with Wireless Handheld Scanner Bundle
- Micronic - Introductory Offer on the Univo Screw Cap Recapper SR008
- RayBiotech - Starbucks® Coffee and ELISA Promotion
- RayBiotech - 70% OFF Array Data Analysis Software
- RayBiotech - Buy 4 Kits, Get 1 FREE of the Same Product
- RayBiotech - FREE Array Slide Scanning
- Technical Report
- Well Being Tip
Micronic – Sample Storage Starter Packs
An easy and cost-effective solution to start using a 2D coded storage tube system.
- More economical than buying the products individually
- Enables labs to start storing and sealing up to 4,000 samples
- Available with 0.75ml, 1.40ml, 3.00ml or 4.00ml tubes
- Ideal and convenient for different lab sizes and needs
- Certified Class 7 clean-room production
- DNase/RNase and Pyrogen free
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
SBI – AAVS1 Safe Harbor Targeting with Cas9
- Easy, precise knock-in of any gene
- Consistent, robust transgene expression
- Simplified construction of isogenic cell lines
- Minimal off-target integration
- Streamlined CRISPR/Cas9 library screening
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Biosensing Instrument – BI-2500 Surface Plasmon Resonance System
The ideal system for developing biosensors in your research. Its flexible design allows an upgrade path for electrochemical SPR or chemical vapor (gas) SPR combination studies.
- Three-channel SPR detection module - Provides greater flexibility and faster assay development, doubling the throughput over two-channel SPR systems
- Innovative multi-module design - Provides users with maximum flexibility to choose amongst various analysis modules for electrochemistry and chemical vapor applications
- Wide dynamic range and high sensitivity - High sensitivity (<10-4 degrees) for both large and small molecules (<100 Daltons) enables users to measure binding constants down to a few pM-1
- Broad response time - For slow (hours) and fast (< ms) kinetic processes
- Cost effective - System has been designed with affordability in mind, brings SPR technology to your lab on your budget and with your own assay development schedule
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Affymetrix USB – Dextran Sulfate Sodium Salt (DSS)
Dextran Sulfate Sodium Salt (DSS) is currently available from MJSBioLynx.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Dextran Sulfate Sodium Salt (DSS) induces experimental colitis and promotes colitis-associated cancer in rodents (1). Oral administration of a range of concentrations of Dextran Sulfate Sodium Salt (DSS) produces acute colitis in mice(2) and has been exploited as a model of colonic epithelial injury with many features found in human inflammatory bowel disease (3).
1. Kerr, TA.,Ciorba, MA., Matsumoto, H., Davis, VRT., Luo, J., Kennedy, S., Xie, Y., Shaker, A., Dieckgraefe, Bk., And Davidson, No. (2011) Inflamm Bowel Dis. 18 (2), 344-348.
2. Okayasu, I., Hatakeyama, S., Yamada, M., Ohkusa, T., Inagaki, Y. And Nakaya R. (1990) Gastroenterology. 98, 694-702.
3. Cooper, HS., Murthy, SN., Shah, RS., And Sedergran, DJ. (1993) Lab Invest. 69, 238-249.
Sign up to receive the e-Lynx email and get exclusive promotions each month.
These exclusive offers are only in the email and are not listed on this page.
Click here to get started.
USA Scientific – FREE Pizza Party Promotion
For the cold Canadian winter months of January to March 2016, Enjoy hot, delicious pizza on us!
Accumulate $500 in Purchases of USA Scientific Products from MJSBioLynx and Receive a $50 Pizza Gift Certificate*.
USA Scientific offers cell culture labware, pipets and tips, plates, tubes and much more.
Click here to order or to request a quote.
Offer valid until March 31st, 2016.
Please reference promotion code US2016PZA.
Limit: Two pizza parties per lab; Cannot be combined with other offers.
* Please note that if you purchase $500 in USA Scientific products during our promotion period but are unable to accept our pizza gift we would be pleased to offer you a $50 voucher towards your next order of $100 or more of USA Scientific products. Coupons are valid until April 30th, 2016.
Heathrow Scientific - Buy a MagLab™ Set and Get an Additional Single Unit of Your Choice, for FREE
Easily organize common lab products off your bench top with the MagLab™ storage system.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here for the video.
Offer valid until January 31st, 2016
Enzo Life Sciences- 35% OFF CELLESTIAL® Cellular Analysis Products
The CELLESTIAL® product range offers a complete set of tools for monitoring cell viability, proliferation, death, oxidative stress and toxicology by flow cytometry, microscopy and microplate platforms. Our assays and probes have been optimized for the most demanding imaging applications including confocal microscopy, wide-field fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, and high content screening where consistency and reproducibility are essential.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order.
Offer valid until January 31, 2016
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Valid for one time use only per eligible product, per customer.
Try the New HT-ExoSAP-IT® Fast One-Step PCR CleanUp
- Half the time of standard protocols
- 100% recovery and only 5 µL of PCR product needed
- One simple pipetting step
Formulated and formatted for automated platforms and multi-channel pipettes
Click here to request a Sample.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Affymetrix USB - Take the ExoSAP-IT® PCR Clean-up Challenge
See why ExoSAP-IT reagent comes out on top.
- Request a free sample
- Do your own head-to-head comparison
- Give us your feedback for a free T-shirt
Click here to get started.
Micronic – CRYO 2D Code Reader with Wireless Handheld Scanner Bundle
The Tracxer CRYO scanners are provided with an anti-frost scanner plate which enables users to read racks filled with 2D coded tubes straight from the freezer. This way, tube codes from even frozen samples can be read, thereby improving productivity and preserving the integrity of samples.
Get a Tracxer Code Reader RS210 CRYO with a Wireless Handheld Scanner – Only $7506
Get a Tracxer Code Reader RD235 CRYO with a Wireless Handheld Scanner – Only $8296
Click here to order.
Offers valid until March 31st, 2016.
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Micronic – Introductory Offer on the Univo Screw Cap Recapper SR008
Get a Univo Screw Cap Recapper SR008 with 5 empty screw cap carriers and a Micronic bag - Only $9197
The handheld device offers users the ability to cap, decap or recap a row of 8 tubes in less than 5 seconds; Thereby, minimizing sample evaporation and significantly improving productivity. In addition, the Screw Cap Recapper ensures each screw cap is reproducibly tightened securely and uniformly.
Click here to order.
Offer valid until March 31st, 2016.
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
RayBiotech - Starbucks® Coffee and ELISA Promotion
$5 Starbucks® Gift Card Included with Every ELISA Order !
ELISAs are available for:
Cytokines • Growth Factors • Soluble Receptors
Adipokines • Peptide Hormones • Proteases
Phosphorylation • Cell-Based ELISAs • And more...
Click here to order or request a quote.
Promotion is subject to change.
RayBiotech - 70% OFF Array Data Analysis Software
RayBiotech supports each array kit by offering Excel-based analysis software tools for the automatic computation of the extracted numerical data obtained from the array image. Features include sorting, averaging, background subtraction, positive control normalization, and histogram graphing for easy visual comparison.
Get 70% OFF Data Analysis Software when you Purchase the Array and Software Together!
Click here to order or request a quote.
Reference Promotion Code RB-ARRAY-15.
Cannot be combined with other offers.
Promotion is subject to change.
RayBiotech – Buy 4 Kits, Get 1 FREE of the Same Product Number
Buy 4 Kits, Get 1 FREE of the same product number
- Antibody Array Kits
- ELISA Kits
- Functional Assays
- And more.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Reference Promotion Code RB4G1.
Applicable to RayBiotech Kits only.
Promotion is subject to change.
RayBiotech - FREE Array Slide Scanning
Don't have access to a compatible laser scanner?
RayBiotech will scan your RayBio glass slide antibody arrays for free!
Just send us your hybridized, completed array slides and the scientists at RayBiotech will scan them at no charge.
Contact us for more information.
Offer is subject to change.
Data analysis not included.
Development and Optimization of CHOgro® Transient Expression Technologies for High Titer Antibody Production in Suspension CHO cells – by Mirus
During early stage drug development, quickly obtaining relevant candidate proteins through transient transfection can accelerate drug discovery. High titers are often obtained from Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK) 293 derived cell types; however, the use of different host cells between early stage transient and later stable protein production is a concern and can lead to the advancement of false-positive candidates. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are a desirable target cell type due to growth characteristics and a history of regulatory approval; however, their use has been hampered by low transient gene expression levels. To address this short-coming, we have created a robust and simple CHO transient protein expression system enabled by critical media attributes such as high density cell growth, quick adaptation, and minimization of cell clumping posttransfection. The CHOgro® Expression System was developed through systematic optimization of transfection protocol parameters including: cell density, transfection reagent, media formulation and culture temperature leading to a commercially accessible high titer CHO transient transfection platform. Through this optimization, antibody titers increased 2-10 fold over existing technologies with higher amounts of antibody secreted per cell. Six different representative antibody constructs were also successfully expressed using the CHOgro® Expression System. Notably, even CHO cells maintained in other commercially available media formulations (e.g. FreeStyle™ CHO Expression Medium) can be seamlessly adapted with a full media exchange to the CHOgro® Expression Medium 24 hours prior to transfection and yield multi-fold increases in transient expression levels. With the CHOgro® Expression System, high protein titers can now be achieved in suspension CHO cells through high density transient transfection. Click here to read more.
Neuroscience Insight: How to Break Bad Habits - by Dr. Sarah McKay, Neuroscientist
Habits are behaviors or thoughts so strongly wired into your brain that you can perform them without thinking. Why, if the brain is plastic and able to change, are bad habits so hard to break? Here you can learn about the neuroscience of how habits form—and how to use that knowledge to replace bad habits with positive ones. Read more at http://www.chopra.com/ccl/neuroscience-insight...