Looking Back As We Extend Forward
Our awesome Finance Department, keeping us in check (and balance)!
Finance Department
Tina Gerritsen, Tracey Jonkman, Emily Linton (Absent)
As we enter our last 6 months of our 25th Anniversary Celebration, we feel like celebrating
with a draw for a cozy Lynx Blanket from Jean-Simon Bégin (Quebec, Canada).
To enter, simply submit your answer to this month's question:
What is the name of our sister company?
Enjoy incredible comfort of this soft, double-layered minky fabric (55" x 80").
It's perfect for sheltering while watching a movie on a rainy summer night or snuggling around a campfire.
Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies,
our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- MJSBioLynx Well Being
- MJSBioLynx – Build Your Automation Bundle!
- Vector Laboratories – It's Back! FREE Hydrophobic Barrier/Histology Pens
- NEST Biotechnology – Get FREE TaylorMade Golf Balls when you Accumulate $400 of NEST Products
- Vector Laboratories and GlycoSelect – Lectins & Bioconjugation: Mix & Match and Receive 20% OFF
- EpiCypher – CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit – Introductory 15% OFF
MJSBioLynx Well Being
Cooperation – by DailyOM
Cooperation flows more easily when we let go of the necessity to be right all the time.
"Cooperation – working together toward a common goal for the benefit of all involved – seems simple. But amazingly it can be quite challenging, even when we have so many successful examples all around us..."
Click here to read more. (DailyOM)
Mirus Bio – Achieve Superior Transfections with the TransIT-X2
Mirus Bio has a comprehensive offering for delivery of nucleic acids into cells. The following Mirus Bio featured products are ideal for the transfection of common and hard-to-transfect cell types, protein production and viral transduction.
TransIT-X2 Dynamic Delivery System
- Efficiency: Exceptional Broad Spectrum Transfection
- Versatility: Cutting Edge Delivery of Plasmid DNA and siRNA
- Technology: Novel Non-Liposomal Polymeric Delivery
Click here to view the Mirus Transfection Favourites - from The Transfection Experts
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here to request a free sample.
Click here for more information.
Cell Guidance Systems – Improve Cell Quality with Growth Factors
Cell Guidance Systems offers a wide selection of recombinant growth factors and cytokines
in both standard and PODS® slow-release formats, to suit different cell culture applications.
Key features and benefits of recombinant growth factors:
- Quality Control: Tested for bioactivity, purity and endotoxin
- Documentation: CoA available with functionality data
- Consistent: All products follow strict acceptance criteria
- Choice: Proteins from multiple species available
- Animal-free Option: Produced without animal-derived materials
Click here to order or request a quote.
Key features and benefits of PODS®
- Sustained-release: >2 months, fewer media changes, better cells
- Economical: PODS® usually cheaper than other growth factors
- Versatile: Readily incorporated into biomaterials
- Printable: Form gradients, develop complex patterns
- Highly stable: Retains 70% bioactivity after 6 months at 37°C
- Unique: Nothing else comes close to PODS® capabilities
Click here to find out more about Cell Guidance Systems' range of growth factors
and application areas.
Click here to order or request a quote.
GlycoSeLect Ltd. – Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectins
GlycoSeLect specializes in the development and production of Recombinant Prokaryotic Lectins (RPLs).
RPLs are enhanced glycoselective bioaffinity proteins that enable efficient detection, analysis and isolation of glycosylated biomolecules.
These molecules present many advantages over existing analytical and purification methods. Their production is also readily scalable, enabling their use for all applications, from analytical to production scale.
Click here to watch an introduction to GlycoSeLect RPLs and their applications.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here for more information.
Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue – Introducing "Floki" a Canadian Lynx!
MJSBioLynx is pleased to introduce a new furry member of our team ... meet Floki!
A beautiful Canadian Lynx who lives at Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue. An organization we are proud to support in their mission to rescue and rehabilitate sick, injured, abandoned, and orphaned wildlife.
Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue is led by Stefanie MacEwan, a provincially licensed wildlife custodian. She is also 1 of 3 internationally certified wildlife rehabilitators in Ontario, 1 of 30 in Canada. As a CWR her knowledge of wildlife rehabilitation and standard of care is amongst the highest in the world.
"Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue is licensed by the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry and Canadian Wildlife Services to rescue at-risk wildlife with the goal of releasing the patients back into the wild..."
Click here to read more about Soper Creek Wildlife Rescue and Floki's story.
MJSBioLynx – Ride the River
Congratulations to our team which recently participated in The Brockville and District Hospital Foundation’s 3rd Annual Ride the River Cycling Fundraiser on Sunday, June 25th, 2023, on the beautiful 1000 Islands Parkway.
The Ride the River event is a cycling event which raises funds to purchase needed hospital equipment items for Brockville General Hospital. This year’s funds will go directly towards the purchase of a new MRI.
Ride the River was created in memory of Dr. Smylie in recognition of his long-term contributions to health care at Brockville General Hospital.
Left to right: Steve McKend, Marty McKend, Cindy Taylor, Cherin McKend, Jen McKend
MJSBioLynx – Build Your Automation Bundle!
Look inside for details! |
Vector Laboratories – It's Back! FREE Hydrophobic Barrier/Histology Pens!
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here to explore what Vector Laboratories has to offer for your specific research.
Contact our Technical Team for further details.
NEST Biotechnology – Get FREE TaylorMade Golf Balls When You Accumulate $400 of NEST Products!
Click here to view the extensive line of NEST products.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team to request a hard copy of the catalogue or for assistance with your NEST product selection.
Vector Laboratories and GlycoSeLect – Lectins and Bioconjugation: Mix & Match and Receive 20% OFF!
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
EpiCypher – CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit – Introductory 15% OFF
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Jena Bioscience – What is LEXSY? – Get Ready For Some New Words
LEXSY - Eukaryotic protein expression in Leishmania tarentolae
The unicellular kinetoplast protozoan Leishmania tarentolae, isolated from the Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica, not pathogenic to mammalians (Biosafety level 1) – was turned into the protein-producing host of our eukaryotic protein expression system LEXSY.
So What is LEXSY?...
LEXSY is a protein expression system to produce recombinant proteins. It uses a protozoa instead of cultured mammalian cells or procaryotic cells (E.coli or yeast). It produces proteins in a system similar to proteins produced in cultured mammalian cells (like adding in glycosylated sites), but is simple like using e.coli or yeast so no special cell culture equipment is required.
Click here to view the LEXSY Selection Guide.
LEXSY – Eukaryotic Protein Expression
LEXSY – Eukaryotic Protein Expression System
LEXSY – Nourseothricin (also known as clonNAT) – the prime selection antibiotic for recombinant organisms
Click here to order or request a quote.
Vector Laboratories – 4 Tips to Improve Your Cancer BioMarker Research
A biomarker is a biological molecule found in the blood, bodily fluids, or tissues that indicates normality or abnormality of processes, conditions, or diseases. Cancer biomarkers are unique to a cancerous state. Once a sample is collected, cancer biomarkers can be studied by various laboratory techniques, including immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunofluorescence (IF). These two methods provide color and contrast to microscopic images for the labeling of biological structures.
- To improve cancer studies, prioritize biomarkers detectable in circulation or secretions, enabling non-invasive risk assessment, disease progression, and treatment response tracking.
- Choose IF assays when multiple target antigens are co-localized in the same cellular compartment. The use of fluorescent detection allows successful multiplexing, making IF ideal for evaluating several cancer biomarkers in a single tissue.
- Picking between IHC and IF assays depends on your study requirements: IHC is best when a more permanent stain is needed, while IF excels at multiplexing. Consider factors
such as co-localization of targets, lab equipment, and the durability of staining. - The selection of secondary antibodies in both IHC and IF protocols is pivotal, as these
antibodies come in various formats, like bound to a detection enzyme or a fluorophore.
Understanding their role can significantly impact your assay results.
Click here to download the IHC guide.
Click here to download the IF guide.
Happy Canada Day ... See You Next Month!