March 2019
Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies, our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- Vector Laboratories – Save 20% OFF Vector® TrueVIEW™ Autofluorescence Quenching Kit
- USA Scientific - FREE Pizza Party Promotion
- USA Scientific – Special Introductory Price! Purchase a MixerHC Tube Mixer and Get a FREE* Plate Thermoblock
- Micronic – FREE Gifts with Purchase of Barcode Readers, Hybrid Tubes and Cappers
Vector Laboratories – Save 20% OFF Vector® TrueVIEW™ Autofluorescence Quenching Kit
TrueVIEW™ Autofluorescence Quenching Kit uses a unique, patent pending quenching agent to specifically bind and quench autofluorescent elements from non-lipofuscin sources, even in the most problematic tissues. TrueVIEW™ provides a specific reduction in autofluorescence and improved signal to noise ratios.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here to request a sample.
Offer Valid until April 30th, 2019.
Promo Code VECT0319.
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
USA Scientific - FREE Pizza Party Promotion
It's back!
For the cold Canadian winter months of January to March 2019, enjoy hot, delicious pizza on us!
Accumulate $500 in Purchases of USA Scientific Products from MJSBioLynx and Receive a $50 Pizza Gift Certificate*.
USA Scientific offers cell culture labware, pipets and tips, plates, tubes and much more.
Click here to order or to request a quote.
Offer valid until March 31st, 2019.
Please reference Promotion Code US2019PZA.
$500 order value is after any applicable discounts or coupons and before taxes and shipping charges.
Limit: Two pizza parties per lab; Cannot be combined with other offers.
* Please note that if you are unable to accept our pizza gift we would be pleased to offer you a $50 voucher
towards your next order of $100 or more of USA Scientific products (Coupon applied after taxes and shipping). Coupons are valid until April 30th, 2019.
USA Scientific – Special Introductory Price! Purchase a MixerHC Tube Mixer
and Get a FREE* Plate Thermoblock
The MixerHC offers precise heating, cooling and thawing without risk of water-born contaminants. It increases the reproducibility of your temperature-dependent reactions for better yields and more consistent results and allows you to control block temperature, mixing speed, and mixing intervals simultaneously and precisely.
The MixerHC accepts a variety of interchangeable thermoblocks.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for details.
* One Free Thermoblock applies to US80120010 – US80120017 when purchased with Mixer HC.
US80120018 available at additional price of $195 when purchased with MixerHC.
Offer Valid until May 31st, 2019
Promo Code BTMAY19
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Micronic – FREE Gifts with Purchase of Barcode Readers, Hybrid Tubes and Cappers
Buy One Rack Reader DR500 or DR505, Get One FREE Side Barcode Reader
The Rack Reader DR500 and DR505 are small benchtop solutions that can read 2D codes quickly and cost effectively within seconds. The compact readers are built for high throughput and automated systems. The DR505 version has an anti-frost system, which enables users to read racks filled with 2D coded tubes straight from the freezer.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Buy 2 Cases of Hybrid Tubes with External Threads, Get 5 FREE Tube Selector Tools
Hybrid tubes offer a unique combination of 4 coding concepts on one tube for automated and visual sample identification. The tubes feature external threads for minimized cross-contamination, thick tube walls for storage in ultra-low temperatures, and production in certified class-7 clean rooms.
This offer applies to 0.75 and 1.40 mL racked hybrid tubes.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Buy One Push Cap Capper CM480, Get One FREE manual Decapper
The CM480 Capper offers a cost effective way of applying uniform pressure to push caps in an entire 96 tube rack in only a single action.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Offers valid until March 31st, 2019.
Promotion code MS0219.
Cannot be combined with other offers.
Vector Laboratories – ImmPRESS® PLUS and VECTASTAIN® PLUS
Reduce optimization time and run more experiments with PLUS kits
There are new additions to the ImmPRESS® and VECTASTAIN® kits: The ImmPRESS PLUS and VECTASTAIN PLUS kits contain more of the essential IHC workflow components in prediluted, ready-to-use (RTU) formats to get your experiments running faster.
These new comprehensive PLUS kits remove the tedious, time-consuming adjustments required when using mis-matched reagents from different vendors, while simplifying your IHC workflow.
Key Advantages of RTU ImmPRESS and VECTASTAIN PLUS Kits:
- Reduce optimization requirements
- Save time with ready-to-use solutions
- Streamline the procedure with matched components
- Increase reliability and reproducibility of your staining results
- Now supplied with BLOXALL® and ImmPACT® DAB EqV Substrate
Click here for more information on the New Vector ImmPRESS. (Link to Vector website)
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for more information.
Micronic – Screw Cap Recapper CS100 line
The Micronic Screw Cap Recapper CS100 line is developed to improve the manual (de)capping of tubes. The manual Recappers are available for 96-, 48- or 24-well format tubes with internal thread or external thread. The cost-effective tools are set to a precise torque value and stop turning when a perfect seal is established, ensuring an optimal sealing performance.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
EpiCypher – SNAP-ChIP qPCR Primers and Probe
Control your ChIP with SNAP-ChIP® qPCR Primers and Probes
SNAP-ChIP® spike-in controls are the ideal tool for generating reliable ChIP data. Combined with qPCR, you finally get an internal control to monitor technical variability in your ChIP experiment and you don't waste time and money sequencing failed ChIP assays.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for details.
Heathrow Scientific – Reagent Reservoirs & Reservoir Chillers
Reduce Reagent Waste with These New Reservoirs and Chillers
A full range of volumes and styles of these new reservoirs are now available to accommodate a variety of required reagent volume and reduce waste. The chillers provide an ice-free, non-toxic way to extend working period and preserve integrity for temperature sensitive reagents.
Click here for more information. (Link to Heathrow Scientific Website)
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for details.
Wuhan Fine Biotech Co.
Fine Biotech, also known as Wuhan FineTest, is an ISO9001:2008 Certified Company that offers a full line of quality research kits, including ELISA Kits, related ELISA accessory reagents, high quality antibodies, and recombinant proteins.
Visit for more information. (Link to Wuhan Fine Biotech website)
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for details.
ASSOCIATES OF CAPE COD INCORPORATED™ – Will Recombinant Lysate Save The Horseshoe Crabs?
ACC’s Bacterial Endotoxin Testing White Paper
There have been a number of recent articles stating that a synthetic alternative to a reagent manufactured using blood extracted from horseshoe crabs could save the speciesi,ii. This suggestion incorporates some erroneous assumptions and ignores some important facts. Consequently, the simple answer to the question posed in the title is, no; there is little truth to the idea. This article examines the assertion that the synthetic reagent could save the horseshoe crab and explains the fallacies that it is based upon.
Click here to read more. (Link to ACC website)
Aqua Solutions – Water purification breakthrough uses sunlight and 'hydrogels'
Researchers from UT Austin Crockwell School of Engineering have developed a new cost-effective desalination technology using combined gel-polymer hybrid materials. Guiha Yu, a UT Austin associate professor for material science and mechanical engineering, led the team of researchers.
Thanks to their experiment, the research team was able to produce clean, safe drinking water from any source through the use of
hydrophilic and semiconducting Hydrogels -- a network of polymer chains known for its high water absorbency.
Click here to read more. (Link to Aqua Solutions website)
EpiCypher – Nucleosome Remodeling Assay by EpiDyne™-FRET
Chromatin remodeling, or the repositioning of nucleosomes, regulates DNA access and thus gene expression and genome repair. Many ATP-dependent remodeling enzyme complexes are associated with human disease but are challenging study targets due to the requirement for nucleosome-based substrates. EpiCypher has addressed this need by developing the EpiDyne platform of fully recombinant remodeling substrates to monitor nucleosome repositioning along DNA. Here, we demonstrate the utility of EpiDyne-FRET in a homogeneous remodeling assay using Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) readout.
Click here to read more. (Link to EpiCypher website)
10 Empowering Quotes to Motivate You
“Your mood and behavior are greatly influenced by what you see and hear on a daily basis, especially on a subconscious level. Quotes can be used as a way to insert little messages of motivation that may seem inconsequential but can effect positive influences when used purposefully. Here are some tips on how to benefit the most from inspirational quotes.”
Click here to read more. (Link to The Chopra Center website)