Solis BioDyne

10x GC-rich Enhancer

Product Description

  • 10x GC-rich Enhancer is used as PCR additive for difficult GC-rich templates. The optimized solution modifies melting behaviour of nucleic acids and often enhances amplification of suboptimal PCR systems with high degree of secondary structures and GC-rich regions.
  • 10x GC-rich Enhancer should be used at a defined working concentration (1x, 2x or 3x solution) and only if non-specific amplification occurs.
  • Additive for GC-rich sequences.
  • An additive used to enhance amplification of difficult GC rich sequences
  • Improves target product specificity and yield during PCR amplification

Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
SOL051600010 10x GC-rich Enhancer, 1 mL 1 mL
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SOL051600050 10x GC-rich Enhancer, 5 mL 5 mL
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SOL051600200 10x GC-rich Enhancer, 20 mL 20 mL
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