Solis BioDyne

100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load

Product Description

  • Solis BioDyne 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load is designed for sizing and approximate quantification of double-stranded DNA in the range of 100 bp to 3,000 bp.
  • 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load is composed of thirteen DNA fragments (in base pairs): 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000. It contains one reference band (500 bp) for easy orientation.
  • 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load contains bromophenol blue dye which serves as visual aid to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis.
  • 13 discrete DNA fragments from 100 bp to 3000 bp.
  • The 100 bp DNA Ladder is a ready-to-load molecular weight marker suitable for DNA fragment size determination on gel electrophoresis.
  • Thirteen crisp bands
  • Stable at room temperature
  • Visualization dye included

Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
SOL071100050 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load, 50 μg 50 μg
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SOL07110005010 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load, 500 μg (10 x 50 μg) 500 μg (10 x 50 μg)
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SOL0711000505 100 bp DNA Ladder Ready to Load, 250 μg (5 x 50 μg) 250 μg (5 x 50 μg)
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