Athena ES

Animal-Product-Free LB Broth & Atholate™

  • Supplier: Athena ES
  • Storage Conditions: 25°C

Product Description

  • Atholate™ is an APF Certified™ proprietary blend of plant protein hydrolysates for use in the preparation of microbiological media. Atholate™ was developed as an Animal-Product-Free alternative to casein hydrolysate in common expression media such as LB Broth. It is designed to outperform standard casein hydrolysate while maintaining the same nutritional characteristics. Athena’s newest expression broths, the Prime-olate™ series, feature Atholate™ as a key component. Atholate™ is available in bulk quantities.

Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
AES0134 Atholate™, protein hydrolysate 500 g
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AES01341 Atholate™, protein hydrolysate 1 kg
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AES013410 Atholate™, protein hydrolysate 10 kg
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AES013425 Atholate™, protein hydrolysate, 2.5 kg 2.5 kg
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