Vector Laboratories


Product Description

  • F-ara-EdU is a probe for DNA synthesis that is less toxic compared to 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU) and BrdU. Ideally suited for metabolic DNA labeling experiments where long-term cell survival and/or deep-tissue imaging are desired. The alkyne handler can be used for subsequent ligation to azide-containing molecules through a highly efficient click chemistry reaction.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTCCT1403100 F-ara-EdU - 100 mg 100 mg
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VECTCCT140325 F-ara-EdU - 25 mg 25 mg
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VECTCCT14035 F-ara-EdU - 5 mg 5 mg
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VECTCCT1403500 F-ara-EdU - 500 mg 500 mg
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