G Biosciences


Product Description

  • Electro-elution Device for Rapid Purification of Proteins and Nucleic Acids from Electrophoresis Gel
  • A single use device for rapid recovery of proteins and nucleic acids from electrophoresis gels.
  • The system uses the principle of electroelution and requires no additional equipment.
  • The procedure takes just a few minutes of hands-on-time.
  • A 1000 bp DNA can be extracted in as little as 60 seconds.
  • G-Capsule can be used for extraction of proteins as small as 4000 molecular weight or for DNA and RNA as small as 20 bp.
  • G-Capsule Weight: A small weight device that prevents G-Capsule from floating when submerged under buffer during electroelution. This device consists of a weight and a pair of plastic forceps.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
GB786001 G-CAPSULE™ 55
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GB786004 G-CAPSULE™ Weight 1
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