G Biosciences


Product Description

  • Quick and sensitive non-isotopic detection of proteins on transfer membranes
  • Femtogram level sensitive immunodetection system allows users the option to detect even hard-to-detect low abundance proteins (detection of (GE)10fg protein on a dot blot and (GE)1pg on a Western blot)
  • Based on an innovative formulation of luminol and 1,2 dioxetane supersensitive detection reagent and a unique, proprietary combination of blocking agent (NAP-BLOCKER™) and washing buffers to ensure low background and high signal to background ratio
  • Immunodetection of proteins and antigens on Western blots and dot blot applications
  • Nitrocellulose or PVDF compatible


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
GB78610AP femtoLUCENT™ PLUS AP Kit For 1,500cm2
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GB78610APT femtoLUCENT PLUS AP Chemiluminescent reagents only For 300cm2
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