G Biosciences

Red 660™ Protein Assay

  • Supplier: G Biosciences
  • Storage Conditions: RED 660 protein assay reagent stored at room temperature; Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) standard stored at 4°C

Product Description

  • Single reagent colorimetric assay that outperforms commercial colorimetric assays, including Bradford and improved Coomassie/ Bradford assays
  • Assay offers greater linearity, greater color stability, and greater compatibility with detergents, reducing agents and other interfering agents compared to the Coomassie assays
  • The single, ready-to-use reagent allows for rapid analysis of total protein concentration and generates highly reproducible results
  • Assay is suitable for the simple and rapid estimation of protein concentration and detects proteins in the range of 50-2000µg/ml
  • Compatible with most detergents


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
GB786676 RED 660™ Protein Assay 500 Assays/ 2,500 Micro-assays
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GB786899 RED 660™ Protein Assay with Non Animal Protein Standard 500 Assays/ 2,500 Micro-assays
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