G Biosciences

HOOK™ BiotinQuant Kit

Product Description

  • A kit for estimation of biotin conjugation
  • Biotin labeling is measured using HABA [4'-hydroxyazobenzene-2-carboxylic acid] dye.
  • HABA binds with avidin at the biotin binding site.
  • The HABAavidin complex produces a characteristic color that absorbs at 500nm. (ε = 34,000 M-1 cm-1 expressed as per mole of HABA bound).
  • In the presence of biotin or biotinylated agents, these agents compete with the HABA for the binding sites.
  • Since biotins have a greater affinity for the binding sites it results in the displacement of HABA from the avidin binding sites and proportionate reduction of absorbance.
  • Hence, the amount of biotin present in the solution can be determined by measuring the reduction in absorbance at 500nm.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
GBBKC01 HOOK™ BiotinQuant Kit 20 Assays
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