
eBlot® L1 Fast Wet Transfer System for Mini Gels

Product Description

  • eBlot™ L1 wet protein transfer system is a highly efficient western blotting transfer system that uses a novel technology (patent pending) developed by GenScript. eBlot™ L1 combines the high reproducibility and efficiency of the traditional wet transfer with the speed and convenience of other fast transfer systems. The device allows efficient blot transfer of small, medium and large molecular weight proteins within 9-17 minutes.
  • Comprehensive: Outstanding performance for small, medium and large proteins
  • Convenience: Simultaneously transfer two mini gels
  • Compatible: Highly compatible with different types of precast or homemade gels
  • Simple: Easy to assemble, one button operation and customizable programs available

Product Options

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GENL00686 eBlot® L1 Each -- Add to Cart

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