Hycult Biotech

LBP, Human, ELISA Kit

Product Description

  • Lipopolysacharide (LPS) Binding Protein (LBP) is a type 1 acute phase protein that is constitutively produced by the liver and rapidly upregulated during the acute phase response. LBP plays a central role in the response to LPS. The protein catalyses the monomerization of LPS and its transfer to (s)CD14 and to lipoproteins. This way LBP has both a role in the activation pathway of LPS: activation of monocytes by LPS leading to release of inflammatory mediators and in the neutralization of LPS i.e. the uptake of LPS by lipoprotein and subsequent clearing. In plasma of healthy individuals LBP is present at levels of approximately 10 µg/ml, which increase approximately 10-fold during acute phase responses.
  • The human LBP ELISA has been developed for the quantitative measurement of natural and recombinant human LBP in cell culture medium, plasma or serum. In serum or plasma samples human LBP can be measured accurately if serum or plasma samples are diluted at least 1000 times.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
HYBHK31501 LBP, Human, Elisa Kit 1 x 96 det.
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HYBHK31502 LBP, Human, Elisa Kit 2 x 96 det.
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