TNF-alpha, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody V1q
- Supplier: Hycult Biotech
Product Description
- The monoclonal antibody V1q recognizes mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). TNF-α is the_x000D_ prototype cytokine of the family of TNF-related ligands, which are based on structural and functional homologies. TNF-α is synthesized as type II transmembrane protein. TNF-α can be recognized by two_x000D_ different membrane receptors, namely TNF-R1 and TNF-R2. TNF-α is present in a membrane-bound_x000D_ (tmTNF) as well as soluble form (sTNF). The membrane-bound form of TNF-α is recognized by both_x000D_ TNF receptors with high affinity, whereas the soluble form is recognized more superiorly by TNF-R1._x000D_ TNF-α is produced by many different cell types including macrophages, T lymphocytes, NK cells,_x000D_ eutrophils and endothelial cells. Cells differ in the expression of the two TNF-receptors and sTNF_x000D_ versus tmTNF, respectively. TNF-α, a homotrimeric 17 kDa protein, is a potent mediator of inflammatory and metabolic functions._x000D_. TNF-α was originally detected as a highly cytotoxic cytokine for tumor cells, it causes tumor necrosis_x000D_ in vivo and shows cytolytic activity against tumor cells in vitro. Furthermore, TNF-α has been implied_x000D_ as central mediator in shock induced by gram negative micro-organisms. TNF-α induces on its turn_x000D_ the production of many other cytokines. Furthermore, TNF-α has been found in inflammatory foci such_x000D_ as synovial effusions in rheumatoid arthritis, systemic circulation in septic shock, parasitemia andrejection of renal transplants. The monoclonal antibody V1q recognizes both natural and recombinant_x000D_TNF-α and shows neutralizing activity.
- Applications: Flow Cytometry , Functional Studies
Product Options
Product Number | Description | Package Size | List Price (CAD) | ||
HYBHM102120UG | TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 20 µg | 20 µg |
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HYBHM1021100UG | TNF-alpha, Mouse, mAb V1q, 100 µg | 100 µg |
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