IL-1RI, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody Reg20
- Supplier: Hycult Biotech
Product Description
- The monoclonal antibody binds to soluble mouse interleukin-1 receptor type I. The IL-1 system includes two agonists (IL-1alpha and IL-1beta), converting enzymes, antagonists, two receptors (IL-1RI and IL-1RII) and the IL-1 receptor accessory protein. Interleukin-1 signal is transduced through the type I receptor.
- Applications: Immunoassays , Immunoprecipitation , Western Blot
Product Options
Product Number | Description | Package Size | List Price (CAD) | ||
HYBHM102320UG | IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 20 µg | 20 µg |
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HYBHM1023100UG | IL-1RI, Mouse, mAb Reg20, 100 µg | 100 µg |
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