Hycult Biotech

CD3, Human, Monoclonal Antibody SPV-T3b

Product Description

  • CD3 is presented on all resting and activated human T-cells, on T-leukemia cells and a proportion of human thymocytes. CD3 plays an important role in the assembly and expression of the T-cell receptor complex. Furthermore it functions as a signal transductor. SPV-T3b reacts with human CD3 also designated as T3 with a molecular weight of 20-26 kDa. SPV-T3b recognizes also the T3 molecular complex.
  • Applications: Frozen sections, Flow Cytometry


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
HYBHM212420UG CD3, Human, mAb SPV-T3b, 20 µg 20 µg
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HYBHM2124100UG CD3, Human, mAb SPV-T3b, 100 µg 100 µg
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