Hycult Biotech

CD11/CD18, Human, Monoclonal Antibody 24

Product Description

  • The monoclonal antibody 24 recognizes an epitope of 174 kD present on leukocyte integrins, CD11/CD18 (LFA-1)or beta 2-type integrins. The leukocyte integrins are a family of heterodimeric receptors that mediatedivalent cation-dependent cellular adhesion reactions. T cells use integrins in essentially all of theirfunctions. Integrins become active following signalling through other membrane receptors, which causeboth affinity alteration and an increase in integrin clustering. The monoclonal antibody 24 recognizes astructural feature and is strictly dependent upon the presence of Mg2+. The epitope is located within, or inclose proximity to, the three conserved cation binding domains and therefore a measure of Mg2+ bound tothe leukocyte integrins and thus reflects functionally active molecules. The epitope can be induced onpolymorphonuclear leukocytes and on monocytes. Glu173 and Glu175 of the beta(2) I domain are identifiedas critical for antibody 24 binding.The monoclonal antibody 24 inhibits monocyte-dependent, antigen specific T cell proliferation and IL-2-activated natural killer cell assays. The antibody does not interfere with mitogen-stimulated T cellproliferation. Furthermore the monoclonal antibody 24 prevents “deadhesion” of receptor/ligand pairs,possible locking leukocyte integrins in an “active” conformation.
  • Applications: Frozen sections, Flow Cytometry , Functional Studies , Immunoassays , Immunoprecipitation


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
HYBHM218320UG CD11/CD18, Human, mAb 24, 20 µg 20 µg
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HYBHM2183100UG CD11/CD18, Human, mAb 24, 100 µg 100 µg
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