Hycult Biotech

E-selectin, Human, Monoclonal Antibody ENA2

Product Description

  • ENA2 reacts with E-selectin CD62-E, previous designated the Endothelial Leucocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 (ELAM-1). The antibody reacts with human endothelial cells activated with TNF-alpha, IL-1 or endotoxin. The antibody was found to react also with cells transfected with the E-selectin gene. The antibody inhibits the adhesion of granulocytes both neutrophilic and eosinophilic.
  • Applications: Frozen sections, Functional Studies , Immunoassays , Immunofluorescence


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
HYBHM400320UG E-selectin, Human, mAb ENA2, 20 µg 20 µg
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HYBHM4003100UG E-selectin, Human, mAb ENA2, 100 µg 100 µg
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