Hycult Biotech

C4, Rat, Polyclonal Antibody

Product Description

  • The polyclonal antibody reacts with Rat C4. Rat complement factor C4, formerly known as Gg protein, consists of an alpha-, beta-, and gamma-chain. The classical pathway of complement and the Mannose binding lectin activation pathway converge at C4. C1s, MASP-1 and MASP-2 cleave C4 resulting in the formation of C4a and C4b. The latter can be cleaved to result in C4c and C4d, in which step all functional sites are lost.
  • Applications: Immunoassays , Immunoprecipitation


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
HYBHP802320UG C4, Rat, pAb, 20 µg 20 µg
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HYBHP8023100UG C4, Rat, pAb, 100 µg 100 µg
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