Jena Bioscience

XtalTool HT 18 mm

  • Supplier: Jena Bioscience
  • Storage Conditions: Store at ambient temperature

Product Description

  • The XtalTool HT is a patent-pending sample holder consisting of a plastic support with an outer transparent COC film and an inner X-ray transparent yellow polyimide film with 5 μm pores. The design allows the setup of two crystallization drops on one XtalTool HT. Crystal growth can be monitored either by a transmission microscope or an automated inspection system.
  • Includes: 20 XtalTool HT Sample Holder (18 mm) and 1 XtalTool HT Dummy Sample Holder to test individual robot compatibility


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
JBXXT104 XtalTool HT 18 mm 20 pcs.
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