
HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit

Product Description

  • The HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit is a high quality paramagnetic bead-based genomic DNA extraction kit used to isolate gDNA from a variety of insect-derived materials (wings, legs, whole body), and from different insect species, such as mosquitoes, flies, ants, and others. The HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit is based on a fast and simple procedure which can either be performed manually or automated - up to 96 samples of tissues including legs and wings, can be processed in less than an hour.
  • Efficient isolation of PCR-quality DNA from insects, and arthropods
  • No organic solvents
  • Allows field epidemiologic research
  • Magnetic beads based chemistry adaptable to automation


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
MGHPID96 HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit (96 Preps) Kit
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MGHPID96X4 HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit (384 Preps) Kit
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