
RevIT™ AAV Enhancer

Product Description

  • This novel enhancer is easily integrated into existing workflows, and it produces 2-4x higher titers across a range of serotypes, cellular growth media formulations, and transfection platforms. RevIT™ AAV Enhancer can further drive down upstream manufacturing costs by permitting the use of lower levels of plasmid DNA while maintaining high-quality titers. Continual improvements in both upstream and downstream AAV manufacturing processes will allow the next generation of gene therapies to reach a broader audience.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
MIR8000 RevIT™ AAV Enhancer, 1.5 mL for 1 L of Cell Culture 1.5 mL
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MIR8006 RevIT™ AAV Enhancer, 10 x 1.5 mL for 10 L of Cell Culture 10 x 1.5 mL
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