Vector Laboratories

PHA-E, Fluorescein

Product Description

  • Phaseolus Vulgaris Erythroagglutinin (PHA-E), Fluorescein, 2 mg. PHA-E is the name ascribed to a family of lectins, each of which comprises four subunits of two different types that combine to produce five isolectins. The E (erythroagglutinin) subunit is involved primarily in red cell agglutination, and the L (leucoagglutinin) subunit is involved in lymphocyte agglutination and mitogenic activity. PHA-E, with four E subunits, possesses strong hemagglutinating activity but is a poor mitogen. The other three isolectins, designated E3L1, E2L2, and E1L3, have erythroagglutinating and mitogenic activities proportional to the number of respective E or L subunits. This product has an appropriate number of fluorochromes to provide optimum staining characteristics and is supplied essentially free of unconjugated fluorochromes. Excitation maximum: 495 nm; Emission maximum: 515 nm.


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Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTFL1121 Phaseolus Vulgaris Erythroagglutinin (PHA-E), Fluorescein, 2 mg 2 mg
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