Vector Laboratories

Glysite™ Scout Glycan Screening Kit, Immunofluorescence 649

Product Description

  • Glysite Scout Glycan Screening Kit, Immunofluorescence 649 is a fully integrated kit for the detection of glycan expression in tissue sections. Included in the kit is a diverse panel of glycan binders (lectins) ideal for the preliminary screening of tissue samples with unknown glycosylation changes and optimized immunofluorescence reagents for glycan detection, including blocking solutions, DyLight™ streptavidin, and VECTASHIELD Vibrance® Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI. Validated on human and mouse tissue—including FFPE tissue, across a range of tissue types including colon, lung, etc.—this versatile kit is flexible to meet your needs. Glysite Scout Glycan Screening Kits, Immunofluorescence are available with 3 fluorophore options, 488 (GSK-3000), 594 (GSK-2000), and 649 (GSK-1000).


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTGSK1000 Glysite™ Scout Glycan Screening Kit, Immunofluorescence 649 Kit
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