Vector Laboratories

Human on Human Immunodetection Kit

Product Description

  • H.O.H. (Human on Human) Immunodetection Kit, 1 Kit, is intended to detect human (or humanized) antibodies on frozen or paraffin-embedded human tissue sections. The inability of anti-human secondary antibodies to distinguish between a primary antibody produced in human and the endogenous human immunoglobulins present in human tissue results in high background staining which obscures specific staining. This problem can be eliminated using the H.O.H. (Human on Human) Immunodetection Kit, which yields clear, crisp specific staining of the antigens of interest. This kit employs a straightforward two-step primary antibody preparation followed by standard IHC assay detection procedures. Once the human primary antibody solution has been prepared, assay time is approximately 90 minutes. The kit contains all required volume-matched reagents, including ImmPACT DAB EqV Peroxidase (HRP) Substrate.


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Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTHOH3000 H.O.H.™ (Human on Human) Immunodetection Kit, 1 Kit Kit
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