Vector Laboratories

M.O.M.® (Mouse on Mouse) Immunodetection Kit, Peroxidase

Product Description

  • M.O.M. (Mouse on Mouse) Elite Immunodetection Kit, Peroxidase, 1 Kit. The M.O.M. (Mouse on Mouse) Elite Peroxidase Kit significantly reduces endogenous mouse Ig staining when using mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue. It is based on VECTASTAIN ABC reagent protocols. Key advantages of the Vector M.O.M. Immunodetection Kits: Clear, crisp specific staining of antigens of interest; Procedures are simple and easy to follow; No tedious calculations or antibody prebinding steps required. The Vector M.O.M. Immunodetection Kit contains enough stock reagents to produce about 25 ml of working solution, which is generally sufficient to stain approximately 250 tissue sections. Kit Contents: 6 ml of M.O.M. Protein Concentrate, 1 ml M.O.M. Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent, 0.1 ml M.O.M. Biotinylated Anti-Mouse IgG Reagent, VECTASTAIN Elite ABC Reagents A (1 ml) and B (1 ml).


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Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTPK2200 M.O.M. (Mouse on Mouse) Elite® Immunodetection Kit, Peroxidase, 1 Kit Kit
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