Vector Laboratories

VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Reagent, Peroxidase, R.T.U.

Product Description

  • VECTASTAIN Elite ABC-HRP Reagent, Peroxidase, R.T.U., 50 ml. The VECTASTAIN Elite ABC system is the most sensitive avidin/biotin-based peroxidase system and is ~5x more sensitive than the original VECTASTAIN ABC Kit. It is supplied with the ready-to-use Elite ABC Kit reagent and does not include a biotinylated secondary antibody. Advanced avidin/biotin technology: The Elite ABC complex is smaller, very uniform, and highly active, allowing more accessibility for binding to a biotinylated target. Cost effective: Higher sensitivity leads to lower cost per slide. Available in ready-to-use formats: Prediluted, stabilized working solutions of Elite ABC Kit reagents provide the same high sensitivity and low background as the traditional VECTASTAIN Elite ABC Kit reagents. Contains sufficient reagent to stain approximately 250–500 sections.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTPK7100 VECTASTAIN® Elite ABC-HRP Reagent, Peroxidase, R.T.U., 50 ml 50 mL
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