Vector Laboratories

Animal-Free Blocker® and Diluent, R.T.U.

Product Description

  • Animal-Free Blocker and Diluent, R.T.U., 100 ml, is a Ready-To-Use (R.T.U.) solution designed to be used as an antibody diluent and a blocking reagent to stabilize diluted antibody solutions and diminish background due to non-specific binding in immunohistochemical applications. This product contains no animal-derived proteins and can be used as an alternative to sera, BSA, casein, or non-fat dry milk in situations where these or other traditional blocking agents are not effective. This product is especially convenient in multiplex IHC (multiple antigen labeling) applications where antibodies from several different species are used.


Product Options

Product Number Description Package Size List Price (CAD)
VECTSP5035 Animal-Free Blocker® and Diluent, R.T.U. , 100 ml 100 mL
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