Looking Back As We Extend Forward
In May, Chromatographic Specialties Inc. (CSI) celebrated 60 years as the leading Chromatography Supplier in Canada!
This June, we would like to honour the "Founder" of Chromatographic Specialties - John McKend
…the brilliant and highy respected "Poppa"!
Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies,
our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- MJSBioLynx Well Being
MJSBioLynx Well Being
How Yoga Can Support Your Mental Health
The ancient sage Patanjali describes in the first lines of the Yoga Sutras, the purpose of yoga is to still the turbulence of the mind.
Click here to learn more. (chopra.com)
Hycult Biotech – New Antibodies for Complement Related Diseases
Introducing a new blocking antibody targeting complement C5, now available for preclinical research! Complement C5 plays a crucial role in many disease processes, and this new antibody offers the option to mimic blocking of terminal complement pathway.
But that's not all - Hycult also has new antibodies to target complement C7 and clusterin, two molecules associated with the formation of the TCC/MAC-complex. Whether you're dealing with autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, or other complex illnesses, these research tools offer insights and can aid in better treatment options.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for more information.
Simport Scientific – MicrewTube® Selection Tool
With their unique models and incredible selection, Simport has developed the MicrewTube® Selection Tool to help you select the right tube based on your needs. Give it a try below!
Click here to access the MicrewTube® Selection Tool.
EpiCypher – CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit: Powerful Assays for Epigenomic Profiling
Ultra-sensitive. Rapid results. Rigourously tested.
Advantages include:
- Streamlined two-day protocol with no library prep
- Exclusive single-tube workflow maximizes yield
- Reliable profiling using low cell numbers
- Dramatically reduced assay costs
- Comprehensive kit goes from cells to sequence-ready DNA
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here for more information.
Associates of Cape Cod – PyroSmart NextGen®: The Future of Sustainable Recombinant LAL
PyroSmart NextGen® recombinant Cascade Reagent (rCR) marks the introduction of a new sustainable recombinant LAL reagent technology for Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (BET). Utilizing the same LAL cascade as traditional LAL reagents, while eliminating the potential for 1,3-ß-D-glucans cross reactivity, PyroSmart NextGen® delivers all of the quality and consistency of results you have come to expect from ACC LAL reagents.
PyroSmart NextGen® can be used for a wide variety of endotoxin tests, ranging from standard water testing to samples requiring high sensitivity, such as intrathecal products and those requiring high dilutions to overcome interference.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Click here for more information.
Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Time: 10:00am EDT
MJSBioLynx – Breathe & Learn: Featuring Hamilton Storage's Hand Held Decapper
Join our live, 15 minute discussion and enjoy a
$5 Tim Horton's Gift Card on Us!
June 13th, 2023 at 2:00pm EST
Join Hamilton Storage to explore how integrating automated capping and decapping solutions can optimize laboratory workflows. Experience the speed and versatility that automation provides first hand as we host a live, interactive demonstration of the LabElite line of benchtop solutions.
Breathe and Learn Draw!
The twist: All attendees will be entered into a draw for a chance to win one of our BioLynx buddies!
The draw will take place live at the end of the demonstration.
The winner will be able to select the buddy of their choice to bring back to the lab!
Click here for details on our Benchtop Buddies.
Please note: Registration requires company/organization issued email address. Personal email addresses such as gmail, hotmail, aol, etc. will not be accepted.
You must register at least 2 hours before the start of the webinar to ensure your registration is accepted.
FineTest – Summer Promotion: Antibodies 25% OFF!
Vector Laboratories and GlycoSeLect – Lectins and Bioconjugation: Mix & Match and Receive 20% OFF!
Click here for more information.
EpiCypher – CUTANA™ CUT&Tag Kit – Introductory 15% OFF
Click here for more information.
MJSBioLynx – Instrumentation Brochure with "BioLynx Build Your Automation Bundle"!
Click here to download,
or request your copy today!
Vector Laboratories – Video Tutorial Library
This video library is a great tool to walk you through a variety of subjects including:
- IHC protocols
- Glycobiology
- Using VECTASTAIN in the lab
- Nucleic acid labelling
- Bioconjugation
Click here to access the videos.
Father’s day image © p4pranstudio /pngtree.com