Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies,
our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
- Victory Scientific – SNPsig® COVID-19 Variants Detection Assays
- Victory Scientific – UF-150 and UF-300 GENECHECKER™ - Ultra Fast qPCR Systems
- NEST Biotechnology – Sample Collection Kits
- EpiCypher – NEW CUTANA CUT&RUN Compatible Antibodies
- Micronic – 1.10mL Externally Threaded Tubes
- Crystal Technology & Industries, Inc. – CryoCommand™ - An Ideal Solution for Replacing Ice Baths
- Vector® Laboratories – VECTASHIELD PLUS Antifade Mounting Medium - Trial Pricing Available!
- Aqua Solutions – 20% OFF Your Water Purification System Setup for March 2021
- MJS BioLynx – FREE Pizza Party!
- Anatrace – New and Improved Non-Ionic Amphipol (NAPol) – 10% OFF Your Next Order!
- MJS BioLynx – Inventory Clearance
- Vector® Laboratories – 2021 Immunofluorescence & Lectins Application and Resource Guides
- Daresbury Proteins Ltd. – Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFR) - Tech Note
- Crystal Technology & Industries, Inc. – Inventory Control Racks, Boxes, Canisters and Digital Dry Baths
- Jena Bioscience – Endpoint PCR Brochure
NEST Biotechnology – Plastic Laboratory Products
NEST Biotechnology is a worldwide manufacturer of plastic laboratory products. They offer a wide variety of consumables including cell culture labware, sample collection, centrifuge tubes, assay plates, PCR consumables, cryogenic tubes and much more!
Click here to view the Nest Biotechnology catalogue.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Victory Scientific – SNPsig® COVID-19 Variants Detection Assays
The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants is currently a major concern in the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. The new SNPsig® PCR genotyping assays offer the ability to detect and track the 20I/501Y.V1 (UK), 20H/501Y.V2 (South Africa) and 20J/501Y.V3 (Brazil) variants. For research use only.
- Ability to track variants on-site and to generate a result in hours
- An alternative to next generation sequencing and S gene failure (SGTF)
- Open platform compatibility
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Victory Scientific – UF-150 and UF-300 GENECHECKER™ - Ultra Fast qPCR Systems
Fast and easy qPCR platform that yields results in as little as 12 minutes!
GENECHECKER™ has adopted a special polymer to create a new microfluidic chip, which enables much faster thermal transfer to the samples when compared to conventional PCR tubes or plates. The thermal cycling mechanism of these systems achieves 8°C/second ramping rate for both heating and cooling.
- Conventional and reverse transcriptase (RT) PCR with single device
- Integrated memory: save up to 12 protocols
- Real-time detection through dedicated software, GENERECORDER
Click here for more information on the UF-150 GENECHECKER™ Ultra-Fast Real-Time qPCR System.
Click here for more information on the UF-300 GENECHECKER™ Real-time Dual Channel PCR System (FAM/ROX).
Click here to watch the GENECHECKER™ qPCR Demo Video
Click here to order or request a quote.
NEST Biotechnology – Sample Collection Kits
Nest Biotechnology offers a wide range of kits for dry saliva, oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal specimen collection, transport, and processing. Each vial body has a unique bar code.
Click here for Dry Saliva Collection Kits information.
Click here for Transport Media and Swabs information.
Click here for Disposable Sampler information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
EpiCypher – New CUTANA CUT&RUN Compatible Antibodies
New CUTANA CUT&RUN Compatible Antibodies to chromatin associated proteins
are available!
Each has been rigorously validated for robust CUT&RUN performance.
New targets include CHD1 (reader), MLL1 (MTase), BRM, SNF2H,
SNF2L (SMARCA remodeling complex proteins), with more coming soon!
Click here to order or request a quote.
Micronic – 1.10mL Externally Threaded Tubes
The 1.10mL tube with external thread capped with a screw cap has the same height as a Micronic 1.40mL tube with internal thread capped with a push cap, making it the ideal tube for users that want to switch to an externally threaded screw cap tube.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Crystal Technology & Industries, Inc. – CryoCommand™ - An Ideal Solution for Replacing Ice Baths
Avoid the mess and hassle of consumables while providing superior temperature stability and uniformity. CryoCommand comes with a high-quality EVA pan and 6 Cryo-Core units which are rechargeable in your ULT Freezer. Works with a variety of Tube Modules.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Vector® Laboratories – VECTABOND® Reagent, Tissue Section Adhesion
The VECTABOND® Reagent is designed to significantly increase the adherence of both frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sections and cell preparations to glass slides and coverslips. It chemically modifies the surface of the glass with positive charges to form a highly adherent surface.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Crystal Technology & Industries, Inc. – Clear-Raze™ Handheld UVC Wand
Clean your tools, products, counters, workstations and more without chemicals.
UV-C light destroys all Viruses and Bacteria in 30 seconds.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Vector® Laboratories – VECTASHIELD PLUS Antifade Mounting Medium
Trial Pricing Available until April 30th, 2021!
VECTASHIELD PLUS is the second generation of the best in class antifade mounting media VECTASHIELD.
VECTASHIELD PLUS Antifade Mounting Medium is a unique, stable formula for preserving fluorescence and inhibiting rapid photobleaching of fluorescent proteins and dyes. It remains liquid on the slide and can be stored without sealing. It is available with or without DAPI counterstain.
- Superior non-setting formulation
- No inherent toning or background with superior signal retention
- Mounted sections can be viewed in 1 hour
Click here for more information on VECTASHIELD PLUS.
Click here to order or request a quote on VECTASHIELD PLUS.
Click here to order or request a quote on VECTASHIELD PLUS with DAPI.
Contact our Technical Team for Trial Pricing details!
Aqua Solutions – 20% OFF Your Aqua Solutions Water Purification System Setup
Save 20% OFF your Aqua Solutions Setup for March 2021!
Aqua Solutions product line includes:
- Type I Reagent Grade DI Systems
- Type II & Type III Reagent Grade DI Systems
- Combination Reverse Osmosis plus Type I DI systems in a single cabinet design
- Combination Reverse Osmosis plus Type II/III DI systems in a single cabinet design
- Reverse Osmosis pre-treatment systems
- Replacement cartridge and accessores for competitor's systems
Click here to order or request a quote.
MJS BioLynx – Pizza Party!
For the cold Canadian winter months of January - March 2021 enjoy hot, delicious pizza on us!
Accumulate $500 in purchases of USA Scientific products from
MJS BioLynx and receive a $50 Pizza Gift Certificate.*
Please reference Promotion Code US2021PZA to be eligible for this promotion.
This promotion applies to all MJS BioLynx product numbers that begin with “US”.
Offer valid until March 31st, 2021.
$500 order value is after any applicable discounts or coupons and before taxes and shipping charges.
Limit: Two pizza parties per lab; Cannot be combined with other offers.
* Please note that if you are unable to accept our pizza gift we would be pleased to offer you a $50 voucher
towards your next order of $100 or more of USA Scientific products (order total after taxes and shipping).
Coupons are valid until April 30th, 2021.
Contact our Technical Team for further details.
Anatrace – New and Improved Non-Ionic Amphipol (NAPol) – 10% OFF Your Next Order!
Get 10% OFF Your Next Order from now until March 31st, 2021
Amphipols (APols) are a class of polymers which can stabilize membrane proteins in a detergent-free, aqueous solution (1). Membrane proteins are first solubilized and purified using detergents (e.g. DDM). APols are then added to the solution and the detergents are removed, resulting in an amphipol reconstituted membrane protein.
Please reference Promotion Code NAPol at time of order.
Valid until March 31st, 2021.
Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for more details.
1. Tribet, C., et al. (1996) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 93(26), 15047-15050.
MJS BioLynx – Inventory Clearance
We have a great deal for you...
Take advantage of great low prices on quality Life Science products.
Hurry while quantities last!
Clearance prices are valid for listed items (in stock only), while quantities last.
Cannot be combined with other prices or discounts.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Contact our Technical Team for more details.
Vector® Laboratories – 2021 Immunofluorescence and Lectins Application and Resource Guides
2021 Immunofluorescence Guide
Click here to download the 2021 Immunofluorescence Guide.
2021 Lectins Application and Resource Guide
Learn how lectins can be applied as valuable tools in your research. This guide features 12 applications using lectins, including general procedures, tables highlighting lectin sugar specificity, properties and structures, use of lectins in coronavirus research and much more.
Click here to download the 2021 Lectin Guide.
Daresbury Proteins Ltd. – Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors (FGFR) - Tech Note
Click here to download the FGFR Tech Note.
Crystal Technology & Industries, Inc. – Inventory Control Racks, Boxes, Canisters and Digital Dry Baths
Click here to download Crystal's catalogue for racks, boxes and canisters.
Click here to download Crystal's Digital Dry Baths catalogue.
Jena Bioscience – Endpoint PCR Brochure
Direct and multiplex PCR, Thermostable DNA polymerases, dNTP mixes, Buffer and enhancer, Gel loading and staining.
Click here to download the Endpoint PCR Brochure.
Did You Know Mirus Has a Transfection Database?
The Reagent Agent® Transfection Database is a tool designed to help you determine the best delivery solution for any nucleic acid into any cell type including hard-to-transfect cell lines and primary cells.
Enter your cell type now and discover the solutions they have for you!
Deep Learning Tools for Multiplex Immunohistochemistry (mIHC)
This recent study from Diagnostic Pathology introduces a suite of deep learning tools that quantitatively evaluate the expression of six biomarkers in mIHC whole-slide images (WSIs), and in doing so, addresses the current lack of readily available methods to evaluate more than four biomarkers.
Click here to learn more.
Associates of Cape Cod, Inc. – Gel-Clot Dilutions Scheme Calculator
Do you need help creating a dilution scheme for your Gel-Clot LAL assays?
Want to double check what you're using? ACC has a tool to help you simplify!
Click here to access the calculator.
MJSBioLynx Wellbeing
Grateful - by DailyOM
There is always something to be grateful for, even when life is hard and times are tough.
Everyday is a blessing, and in each moment there are many things that we can be grateful for. The world opens up to us when we live in a space of gratitude. In essence, gratitude has a snowball effect. When we are appreciative and express that gratitude, the universe glows a bit brighter and showers us with even more blessings.
There is always something to be grateful for, even when life seems hard. When times are tough, whether we are having a bad day or stuck in what may feel like an endless rut, it can be difficult to take the time to feel grateful. Yet, that is when gratitude can be most important. If we can look at our lives, during periods of challenge, and find something to be grateful for, then we can transform our realities in an instant. There are blessings to be found everywhere. When we are focusing on what is negative, our abundance can be easy to miss. Instead, choosing to find what already exists in our lives that we can appreciate can change what we see in our world. We start to notice one blessing, and then another.
When we constantly choose to be grateful, we notice that every breath is a miracle and each smile becomes a gift. We begin to understand that difficulties are also invaluable lessons. The sun is always shining for us when we are grateful, even if it is hidden behind clouds on a rainy day. A simple sandwich becomes a feast, and a trinket is transformed into a treasure. Living in a state of gratitude allows us to spread our abundance because that is the energy that we emanate from our beings. Because the world reflects back to us what we embody, the additional blessings that inevitably flow our way give us even more to be grateful for. The universe wants to shower us with blessings. The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.