Dear Researcher,
We are pleased to present the e-Lynx, a newsletter devoted to keeping our customers up-to-date on new technologies,
our new products, suppliers, activities and promotions.
GeNext Genomics – Clinically Relevant Recombinant Proteins and Antibodies
GeNext Genomics develops recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies against clinically relevant targets including cytokines, interleukins, CD receptors, viral proteins, bacterial and protozoan proteins. They specialize in large scale expression and purification of native as well as recombinant proteins from virtually any source! Their antibody portfolio of recombinant, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies are unique, binding new epitopes or new targets.
Click here to see how GeNext Genomics services can complement your research.
Contact our Technical Team for more information.
Micronic – Rack Reader DR710 with Active Anti-Frost System
The Micronic Rack Reader DR710 has a deep focus image sensor that ensures the highest accuracy 2D code reading even if the tubes aren’t flush with the scanner. By activating the active anti-frost system, ambient air is drawn into the scanner where it is cleaned of dust. Warmed dry air in the scanner prevents condensation on the scanning plate when the scanner is used.
Click here to watch the video.
Click here to order or request a quote.
RWD – Minux® S700A Rotary Microtome
Usable in both automatic and semi-automatic modes, the S700A paraffin rotary microtome enables you to cut sections precisely and easily. Even when working with delicate specimens such as brain samples, the system will consistently provide reproducible, high quality, serial sections.
Click here for more information.
Click here to watch the video.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Chromatrap® – RNA Extraction Kit
The Chromatrap® RNA Extraction kit offers a fast and efficient method for extraction of high quality total RNA from a wide range of samples. Cells are lysed and captured by a high yield membrane contained within a spin column to maximize RNA capture and minimize sample loss.
Chromatrap® RNA extraction kit outperforms the best selling competitor for both yield and purity.
- Extract up to 1000 µg pure RNA
- Obtain application-ready Total RNA in as little as 10 min
- Compatible with a wide range of samples including buccal swabs, buffy coat and gram negative bacteria
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
EpiCypher – 4 New CUT&RUN Antibodies
EpiCypher CUT&RUN antibodies are lot-validated for consistent and robust performance in CUT&RUN assays.
The 4 new targets are:
Estrogen Receptor Alpha (N-terminal)
Estrogen Receptor Alpha (C-terminal)
Ahlstrom-Munksjö – GenSwab™ Device for Biosample Collection and Preservation
Available through our sister company Chromatographic Specialties Inc. ...
GenSwab™ allows easy collection and long-term preservation of buccal samples at ambient temperature, safeguarding their quality over time for downstream processing and improving sample traceability with multiple barcodes.
Click here for more information.
Contact our Technical Team to order or request a quote.
Scientific Device Laboratory – Control Slides
Why waste valuable time and resources maintaining your own in-house stock cultures for quality control? Scientific Device Laboratory’s scientists maintain a wide array of microbial cultures, and prepare control slides for helping you evaluate and verify the performance of staining methods and stain reagents. Custom slides also available.
Click here for more information.
Contact our Technical Team to order or request a quote.
Jena Bioscience – FORMOscreen®: The Best FDA/EMA-approved Formulations for Your Antibody
The FORMOscreen® is a novel screen that makes it easy to find the most suitable buffer for any antibody. It contains 96 buffers from carefully selected, FDA/EMA-approved antibody formulations that can be screened with high-throughput methods such as DSF and nanoDSF, or with any other method of choice.
Click here for more information.
Click here to order or request a quote.
USA Scientific – ErgoOne® Single Channel Pipettor
Special Pricing until June 30th, 2021!
From now until June 30th, 2021, get a special price when you order an ErgoOne® single channel pipette of any volume! ErgoOne® pipettes combine the latest ergonomic principles and excellent accuracy and precision to provide optimum performance. Tip seating requires only a gentle push for complete sealing.
Click here to order or request a quote.
Breathe & Learn - LIVE DEMONSTRATION - TubeWriter™ 360
Having writer's cramp?
Join our live, 15 minute demonstration
on the TubeWriter™ 360!
Wednesday, May 5th, 2021 at 2pm EST
The TubeWriter™ 360 prints on any tube or vial, histology cassette, microscope slide, cryovial, and more. Never go back to messy handwriting or sticky lab labels again!
Click here for more information on the TubeWriter™ 360.
Ask our Technical Team to add you to the ZOOM registration list and we will send you a $5 Tim Horton's Gift Card following your attendance at the webinar.
MJS BioLynx – NEW Biobanking & Sample Management YouTube Playlist
Our biobanking and sample management YouTube playlist features our selection of instruments to improve your sample management workflow and automation.
Click here to access the playlist.
A Novel Method Glycan Profiling of Hemagglutinin in Influenza Using Lectin Microarray
The influenza A virus contains two viral glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), which are modulated by N-glycosylation to affect pathogenicity. Researchers characterized host cell-specific glycan profiling of the HA glycoprotein using a lectin microarray of various infected cell lines.
Click here to learn more.
Mirus Bio – How Do I Transfect My Dang Cells?
New to transfection? Need a refresher? Can't get it to work?
You'll become a pro after watching these tips and tricks from Mirus' Transfection Expert,
Sandy Tseng, PhD.
Click here to watch the video.
MJSBioLynx Wellbeing
A Beautiful Message on Happiness
"You can have flaws, be anxious, and even be angry, but do not forget that your life is the greatest enterprise in the world. Only you can stop it from going bust.
Many appreciate you, admire you and love you. Remember that to be happy is not to have a sky without a storm, a road without accidents, work without fatigue, and relationships without disappointments.
To be happy is to find strength in forgiveness, hope in battles, security in the stage of fear, love in discord. It is not only to enjoy the smile, but also to reflect on the sadness. It is not only to celebrate the successes, but to learn lessons from the failures. It is not only to feel happy with the applause, but to be happy in anonymity.
Being happy is not an achievement for those who can travel within themselves. To be happy is to stop feeling like a victim and become your destiny’s author. It is to cross deserts, it is to be able to find an oasis in the depths of our soul. It is to thank God for every morning, for the miracle of life.
Being happy is not being afraid of your own feelings. It’s to be able to talk about you. It is having the courage to hear a ‘no’. It is confidence in the face of criticism, even when unjustified. It is to kiss your children, pamper your parents, to live poetic moments with friends, even when they hurt us.
To be happy is to let live the creature that lives in each of us, free, joyful and simple. It is to have maturity to be able to say: “I made mistakes”. It is to have the courage to say “I am sorry”. It is to have the sensitivity to say, “I need you”. It is to have the ability to say “I love you”.
May your life become a garden of opportunities for happiness...that in spring may it be a lover of joy, in winter a lover of wisdom. And when you make a mistake, start over again. For only then will you be in love with life.
You will find that to be happy is not to have a perfect life. But use the tears to irrigate tolerance.
Use your losses to train patience. Use your mistakes to sculpture serenity. Use pain to plaster pleasure. Use obstacles to open windows of intelligence.
Never give up...never give up on people who love you. Never give up on happiness. For life is an incredible show."
“Palco de vida” (Stages of life), Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935)